Most people do not think a lot about construction work. Perhaps it is time for you to appreciate it some more! After all, this is how the place you live in has been built. Professionals from various backgrounds managed to bring a blueprint to life! Needless to say, teamwork is very important in such an endeavor.

These Silly Construction Fails Will Make You Face-Palm Again And Again
In this gallery, you will see a lot of cringe-worthy mistakes made by both DIY homeowners and careless construction workers! We hope you are ready to facepalm a lot. Trust us, you would not be able to believe some of these constructions fails? Let us get to it.
They Got It Wrong
Wow, talk about a design failure. Anyone who knows basic architecture will understand just how big of an error the contractors made here. Even if you don’t, you will see why this earned a spot on our list.

They Got It Wrong
Firstly, the way they made the door difficult for pedestrians to go through. Take a look at how they installed it! Clearly, the person who constructed it got everything mixed up. This is exactly what the blueprint symbol for door looks like, but it should be a regular passageway and nothing more.
Watch Out
We are having a hard time believing that someone actually got paid to make this. How insane is this escalator? Were the contractors sleeping on the job or what?

Watch Out
It looks like they did not even try it out after installing it. There is no way one can miss the fact that they will hit their head on the ceiling. The highest part of the escalator and the ceiling are too close!
Too Near The Stove
No matter how hard you try, you cannot open this drawer all the way. This is because of the stove knob!

Too Near The Stove
We really do not know why someone decided that it was a great idea. After all, they basically made a useless storage space. If they wanted to change that, they would need to reconstruct it completely.
Working Hard for Your Money
Whoa! This must be the highest ATM on the planet. We have to say that humans are truly unpredictable creatures. If you ask us, they did not consider the comfort of the user when they designed this.

Working Hard for Your Money
It would be a bit better if they added a ladder right beside the machine. Did they forget that not every single person on the planet is built like an NBA player?
Long Limbs Only
If you were the one using the toilet in the picture, consider yourself out of luck. We doubt that your arms are long enough to grab the toilet paper!

Long Limbs Only
Why did they put it so far away anyway? No one can elongate their limbs like a superhero! Maybe the designer wanted to pull a prank. They took the joke too far… literally.
Is This Modern Art?
If you think this was a normal sink, you better think again. Whoever did this should get arrested on the charge of obstruction of comfort.

Is This Modern Art?
This is nothing but absurd. We have no idea why they thought it was neat to place the sink in that spot. Were they trying to help people multitask? It does not look very effective.
The Most Useless Bridge In The World
We do not know why this bridge exists. There is simply no good reason for it to be there. You are not supposed to make a bridge over the ground because it is going to be useless.

The Most Useless Bridge In The World
In general, bridges are placed over a body of water. This allows people to get from one end to the other. Now, it would be fine if the pool went through it. That is not the case, however.
Too Close For Comfort
Considering the way that they placed the toilet around the room, it seems impossible that they will all be used at the same time. After all, the space in this toilet is a little too small to accommodate ten users.

Too Close For Comfort
If they planned on making the most uncomfortable toilet in all of mankind, they did that. Congrats.
Amusement Park On The Stairs
Feel free to help us find out what they meant to do with the structure on the stairs. Perhaps they wanted to make some kind of slide. It does not sound like a good idea whatsoever.

Amusement Park On The Stairs
There is a good chance that this is simply a mistake. If you want our opinion, this looks far too risky to be used in any way.
Topsy Turvy
Man, this carpenter must have been drunk when they put in this door. After all, we cannot think of any other reason it ended up this way. Just think about it: an upside-down door will not help anyone, right?

Topsy Turvy
You only need to look at the door number to figure out that there is something amiss about this photo. Do you want to look through this glass? Well, you will need to stand upside down for that.
Never Heard Of Privacy Before
We don’t know about you, but it sure feels like people are less concerned about privacy in this day and age. If you wanted to pee in peace, no such luck.

Never Heard Of Privacy Before
This is pretty ridiculous since they went to a lot of effort to install the doors. However, they were much too high to be useful. Considering the result, they should have just saved the money and let it be.
Challenges Ahead Of You
The poles you see here essentially block the entryway. Was this an error of some kind? It is also possible that they just wanted to force people into adding more exercise into their daily routine.

Challenges Ahead Of You
This is the place for those of you who like a challenge. Go and for another path if you want zero hassle!
Going Nowhere At All
Wow, you have got to be kidding me. We have no idea what the designers behind these stairs had in mind. Did they just want to throw away some cash? Without a doubt, that is the way it looks to us.

Going Nowhere At All
If they wanted nothing more but to waste cement, they accomplished that. However, we do not think that it was a good idea to create stairs that will simply confuse everyone else.
Stay Out If You Want
Talk about bizarre. Even though they installed the fancy gate, they did not make it long enough to extend over the entire entrance. As you can see, people are still free to come and go because the other side is completely open. Thanks to this, they might as well have not installed a gate at all.

Stay Out If You Want
We all know that gates are added to filter out the people who can enter. Considering that they cannot do that, why the heck they did spend all that money on this?
Bridge For No Reason
Could it be that unnecessary bridges are the next big thing? We will have to pass up on this fad. After all, we are not one to waste cement, money, and time.

Bridge For No Reason
In the end, these structures defeat their purpose. It looks like they only wanted to add more beauty to their environment. Trust us, there are ways to do this that makes sense.
For Civil Engineering Inspiration
These kids are about to go to their classes in the university’s civil engineering department. We cannot think of a better place to take a photo of them than on a bridge like this one!

For Civil Engineering Inspiration
Soon, they would know how to make one like it. Perhaps you can understand just how meaningful this photo is. We just hope that they will never make something cringe-worthy enough to be added here.
Just Another Metaphor
This might just be the most ominous thing we have ever seen. What are students supposed to do when the student success center is in shambles? Can they still succeed despite this unbelievable challenge?

Just Another Metaphor
As you can see, it just got demolished. Do you really want to go to a school with something so ominous?
No Mountains In Sight
We will give you an award if you can tell us why they made this tunnel in the first place. We cannot see any kind of obstruction in the area. Can you? They typically only build tunnels when the road has to go through a mountain or something similar.

No Mountains In Sight
The tunnel is meant to shield vehicles from something, and we really cannot figure it out. At this point, we will take whatever answer we can get.
Boohoo For Volvo
This accident is one that you will probably want to avoid no matter what. This car fell into the crack in this photo and got stuck there. Why? The top of the car was much smaller than its bottom part.

Boohoo For Volvo
We cannot think of a way to get it out of there without causing any damage. Hopefully, no one is inside.
Playing Hide And Seek
This cabinet was so huge that an adult man can fit inside of it. It is funny, but we have to admit that it is quite impressive that he looks so comfy in there. While the cabinet looks fine, there is a reason it is here.

Playing Hide And Seek
We know that cabinets should not be this big. When it is big enough to fit a man, you’re doing it wrong.
Not Quite Parallel
No one can deny that the pole below was placed in a rather inappropriate spot. Take a good look at the rest of the poles in the photo below to see why we said that. When you consider its current spot, it is essentially just one huge obstruction there.

Not Quite Parallel
Aside from that, this could also be dangerous sometime in the future. Whoever gave the contractors the go signal should get fired right away. They added a small path on the side, but this would not have been necessary if they planned it ahead of time.
A Makeshift Sign
There are several things that one would associate with the word ‘slowness’. Personally, the first thing that comes to mind is a tortoise. The worker in this photo is wise since he knew most people would!

A Makeshift Sign
Not everyone can afford a slow sign, so he decided to get creative about it instead. He sure sounds like one resourceful man. We just hope that the drivers who spot him can easily figure this out as well.
A Big Surprise At The Workplace
We will admit that we have no idea how this crocodile got to this construction site. There it is anyway.

A Big Surprise At The Workplace
Did someone come up with an elaborate prank and brought the reptile there? Did it decide to go there on its own? We will never know. However, we are pretty sure that the construction workers all stopped working as soon as they caught sight of this animal. Safety always comes first.
A Flying Car
Will you look at just how high this car is? We hope it does not fall since it will be a goner if that happens. This crane lifted it up the whole way, but we do not know what made the driver do such a silly thing.

A Flying Car
We are sure that no car was built to survive these dire conditions. It goes without saying that this situation would be even worse if there were people trapped in there.
Finish What He Started
Whoever had been driving this van wanted to deliver a special message to every married woman driving on the highway. What a hilarious sign this is!

Finish What He Started
When a wife sees this, they will probably ask, “What exactly does he want to finish because my husband has started a lot of things?” Do you think they are truly ready to find out?
A Warning That Sounds Like A Joke
Maybe it was Halloween when they took this photo. This is a hilarious way to give the drivers a scare!

A Warning That Sounds Like A Joke
It is no secret that dinosaurs have already been wiped off this planet. Or have they? This is a pretty funny sign, but it might be a bad idea to take it with a grain of salt…
Giant Tic Tac Toe
We bet you had no clue just how fun it is to work in construction until you saw the photo below. Cool!

Giant Tic Tac Toe
It never even occurred to us that it was possible to have a round of tic-tac-toe when they worked on road constructions. It would be really neat if we found out who won that round.
Truck Fell Down
Whoa, how did that even happen in the first place? We cannot imagine anything that would be strong enough to knock over something like that. What a scare everyone must have had.

Truck Fell Down
At the very least, we hope that everyone managed to get out of there at the right moment. Something of this magnitude could have caused a lot of fatalities.
It’s The Climb
Man. Do you have any clue what could have been happening here? If we did not know any better, we would say our eyes are deceiving us. We have no idea what the construction worker was trying to do.

It’s The Climb
Perhaps he simply got bored at work. We have all been there. However, this looks like a very bad idea.
Take A Break
Work can sure get tiring every here and there. However, we do not like the look of this photo at all. We do not think it is right for this team to take a nap. Who would be watching the site while they dozed off?

Take A Break
We only hope that there is more to the crew than these folks. Perhaps there is someone out there driving the machines while they slept. Although it looks funny, this could lead to grave repercussions.
Don’t Park There
We really do not know why some people act this way. However, we love the thought that went into this sign. This is a very clever way to make an announcement, that is for sure.

Don’t Park There
The downside is that some might think it is only a joke when they see the way the message was written.
A Dramatic Entrance
That’s right, you are looking at a person who got stuck in the ceiling for one reason or another. How did he even end up there? Poor guy!

A Dramatic Entrance
Perhaps the ceiling was not made of the best material ever. It was just his bad luck that he ended up in a certain weak spot. We are sure that he did not enjoy this experience one bit. It looks so uncomfortable.
Worst Seats In The House
Man, who came up with the idea of building a brick wall in this spot? It was so tall that it blocked out the view of anyone who had the misfortune of getting front-row seats.

Worst Seats In The House
We just hope that they did not sell those tickets at the same price as the other seats out there. Normally, these are the best seats in the stadium. Unfortunately, this is not the case in this situation.
One Of Many
Was the plumber sleep-deprived or something when they worked on the bathroom? This is the only way to explain what happened where. After all, there is no reason for them to install so many knobs here.

One Of Many
We might not be plumbers but even we know that these knobs should not be here at all.
Door That Makes No Sense
Did they put this in as a window or a door? We really do not know. If it was a door, then it would not have been very useful. Honestly, what is up with people installing doors that are much too high?

Door That Makes No Sense
We bet that the entrances were not supposed to be there. After all, who would design a thing like that?
The Other Way Around
Take a look at the way that the handle had been installed. As you can see, it is impossible to close this door. The person who worked on this clearly made a big mistake.

The Other Way Around
If they want to ensure that it will close properly, they will need to remove and reattach the handle.
King Of The Jungle And Road
Sorry, but we still think that Lion King is the greatest animated film they have ever made. How can we ever forget an antagonist like Scar?

King Of The Jungle And Road
He delivered an exceptional performance of a song called “Be prepared”. We think it is awesome that it was used in a sign. Hopefully, this is going to be even more effective than usual.
We’ll Just Wait Instead
Look at the way those toilets have been positioned. There is simply no way that people can use them at the same time. What did the designer even have in mind when they made this?

We’ll Just Wait Instead
Again, we are at a loss for words here. No one in their right mind would have done such a thing. Everything about this is wrong. We would much rather wait than try to use this.
Uncoordinated Contractors
Here is yet another error of unbelievable proportions. It is truly unfortunate that the two ends of this bridge did not align completely. How are cars supposed to cross it?

Uncoordinated Contractors
We all know that the reason bridges exist is to connect two points separated by a body of water. As for this bridge… only use it if you plan to fall right into the water.
Would That They Could
Truth be told, this is a hilarious sign. Laughter aside, however, we can’t deny that it is also true. The contractor merely asked the passersby to be patient as they worked on the rest of the construction.

Would That They Could
Let us take a look at the old saying: Rome was not built in a day. In fact, there are only a few things that you can make in only 24 hours.
Cannot Drive Through
We want you to look at the yellow bar here. In a nutshell, it is there to limit access for trucks.

Cannot Drive Through
This has no consequence for you whatsoever if you drive a small vehicle or car. You can easily pass through it. However, you will be in big trouble if you are driving something that is taller than this.
No Entry
She sure is one funny lady. She had a hard time climbing down the stairs because someone decided to install a pillar in the pathway. As we are sure you have already figured out, the pillar should not be here.

No Entry
These structures are very important since they support the building. They will only be a bigger obstruction if they are installed in the wrong place. We just hope she is a flexible person.
Just For Kids
Sometimes, it feels like we will never run out of things to look at in wonder. We have no idea who was the mastermind behind this arrangement. However, we are pretty sure they deserve some punishment.

Just For Kids
For one thing, there is no adult who can use this with even a semblance of comfort. This is a pretty evil thing to do to people who are in need.
Useless Window
No, your eyes do not deceive you. This is a true brick wall right behind this window. How strange!

Useless Window
Why would you even add a window if you did not want to look through it? Perhaps the builders tried to jazz things up. Sadly, it did not make any sense whatsoever.
Is This The Real Life?
Wow, this is simply way too crazy. It’s fascinating! If this was a real thing, we just hope that they found a way to get that building out of there. What is it even doing in the middle of such a busy intersection?

Is This The Real Life?
We do not know what the contractor was thinking by leaving it on this major road. It ruins the flow of traffic. Without a doubt, the drivers along this road detest the person living in this house.
Smell You Ladder
It looks like the owner of the house got attached to the ladder. They did not want to let go of it no matter what happens. Could this be the actual reason that they decided to install a rail there?

Smell You Ladder
The photo might look a little crazy, but this is actually brilliant if you want to restrict the use of the ladder. As you can see, humans are truly mysterious creatures that boast of weirdest motivations.
Parking Up There
How can you look at this garage and not wonder at what was up? It looks like some people like form better than function. Before you say it is for aircraft, it looks a little too small for a helicopter…

Parking Up There
We do not recommend adding a garage like this one in your home. It is a much better idea to keep the garage on the ground level. After all, this one is bound to make your life that much more complicated.
Stairs And A Ramp To Nowhere
You have two options in this situation. However, neither of them will go anywhere. We think that it was nice of them to add a ramp to the stairs for the disabled. Still, their valiant efforts simply went to waste.

Stairs And A Ramp To Nowhere
What did they even have in mind when they made this structure? Did we miss something here? To us, it just looks like they wasted money, time, and resources. We are shaking our heads over here as well.
Playground Of Doom
We know that this seems like a bright and colorful photo. However, there is something horrifying about this slide right here. That is practically a death sentence! Whatever you do, don’t take the red slide.

Playground Of Doom
This is not only crazy, but it is also evil. We bet the person behind this was a supervillain. We are keeping our fingers crossed that the parents there knew better than to allow their kids to go up there.
Doorway To Nowhere
Something is very wrong in the photo below. What could it possibly be? Oh, maybe it is the fact that this door does not lead anywhere. What is it even doing in that spot in the first place? Please do not look at us because we are just as clueless as you are.

Doorway To Nowhere
At such a height, it is going to be incredibly challenging for anyone to go in and out this way. Of course, it is also possible that this was only a wallpaper or a design. However, it looks far too realistic for this to be the case…
Going Nowhere Fast
This stairwell is not that much of a problem if you do not take a look at where it goes… You know what? Perhaps it will be even more accurate to say where it does not go instead.

Going Nowhere Fast
Was this another valiant effort to rid themselves of leftover materials that they no longer needed? It looks much too polished for something like that. Any leads on this mystery would be much appreciated!