40+ Strange Or Sometimes Alarming Texts That People Have Received From Their Coworkers

Published on 03/24/2022
40+ Strange Or Sometimes Alarming Texts That People Have Received From Their Coworkers

40+ Strange Or Sometimes Alarming Texts That People Have Received From Their Coworkers

Great bonds can be formed with your coworkers on occasion. Other times, things aren’t quite so amusing. There will be times when you cringe at a message or even wish that your coworkers did not have a way to contact you outside of work. All of these people experienced strange, unusual, and sometimes downright upsetting text conversations with coworkers and supervisors.

Is it Worth It?

The stress of being late is something that most people would prefer to avoid at all costs. Even so, it happens to everyone from time to time, and that is understandable.

Is It Worth It?

Is It Worth It?

To our relief, this boss was unconcerned about their employee’s tardiness. Even so, they were given a reason for being late despite this. There was some hope that they could make good use of the extra time to look their best for the meeting.

Check the Group Chat

As previously stated, if you’re going to complain, it’s best to understand who you’re complaining to. This includes situations in which complaints are made in larger groups, such as a group chat.

Check The Group Chat

Check The Group Chat

You don’t want your boss to find out that you’re venting to your coworkers in the chat. Not to mention the fact that calling a direct manager names seems risky from an employment perspective. Kelly felt the same way, and she wanted them to know about it immediately.

Say That Again?

Some questions are appropriate to ask about coworkers. The most common topic of conversation among coworkers is finding someone to cover a shift. Some questions are better avoided than others.

Say That Again?

Say That Again?

Specifically, don’t inquire about their underwear preferences. Thank you for clarifying this was an error rather than an actual question, and it appears that they have since moved on with their lives.

That’s One Way

It’s everyone’s worst nightmare—taking a screenshot of a conversation and sending it right back to the person. Asking a friend for advice is one thing, but asking for advice in this situation is quite another.

That’s One Way

That’s One Way

The mistake made the situation much easier while also making it much more awkward in this case. Danny didn’t waste any time in letting them know what they’d done wrong. They weren’t going to hear any explanations, and this person was free to leave at any time.

An Honest Opinion

There can be disastrous consequences if you accidentally send a message to the wrong recipient. For the most part, this person sent a simple selfie, which isn’t all that unusual nowadays. It appears that their boss was more than a little perturbed by the message they received from them.

An Honest Opinion

An Honest Opinion

If that’s the case, then it’s clear that they’re enraged by selfies for some reason. Whatever the reason, they certainly did not let this person off the hook for the blunder no matter what.

A Little Typo

Be careful what you say when engaging in a professional conversation. Even so, there are some things that are considered rude in certain circles. This includes telling your boss or coworkers that you’re stuck in the bathroom, for example.

A Little Typo

A Little Typo

If you’ve ever had a bowel movement, you’ll know that autocorrect can be a bit of a pain in the neck. However, it appears as if they were unfazed by the mistake!

They Just Want to Fit In

It’s not unusual for your boss to ask a question that you and your coworkers were completely unprepared for. It’s not that the question is bad; it’s just that no one was expecting it.

They Just Want To Fit In

They Just Want To Fit In

It’s easy to see that in this text. This person would like to experiment with a new look, but doesn’t know where to begin. The only thing they know for sure is that they like the “cool goth clothes” that their coworkers also like.

“Not Normal”

When you’re trying to make friends with your coworkers, there are a few things to avoid. However, this could also imply that making friends is more difficult than it appears.

“Not Normal”

“Not Normal”

So, we can only assume that this person was attempting to spice things up a bit. However, the actual outcome was a lot more unpleasant than that. After this coworker was clearly uninterested, it probably wasn’t a good idea to keep messaging them.

Just Asking

Coworkers may ask you out, but some people don’t want to be asked. A pushy approach would be completely out of character for them. They were sent this message by a coworker, unfortunately.

Just Asking

Just Asking

Things appear to be going well at first glance, but then they launch into their question with no preamble whatsoever. This message is even more strange because it asks the recipient to “please say yes” right away.

Bored of Being Bored

Work-related complaints are common. Complaining to the right people is the key. After all, not everyone is the right person to discuss it with. As an example, you might not want to text your boss about how much you dislike your job.

Bored Of Being Bored

Bored Of Being Bored

While they are probably already aware of the situation because it is work-related, it is not always appropriate to inform them of it. Obviously, this was a text sent to the wrong phone number.

Probably Not the Right Number

Some of the strangest texts you can receive are those that are not intended for you. In particular, it can be amusing if the text you receive appears to have come from the middle of an ongoing conversation.

Probably Not The Right Number

Probably Not The Right Number

As a result of this coworker’s confusion, the person they’re used to working with was depicted in a very unusual light. Being a part of a different discussion almost begs more questions than it answers. It’s good to see that they were able to have a good laugh at the same time.

A Little Bit of Poetry

With this coworker discussing their own appearances, the conversation has already taken a strange turn. It was a safe bet to send a reassuring message. It was a shame that the conversation didn’t improve from there.

A Little Bit Of Poetry

A Little Bit Of Poetry

Messages from coworkers expressing this sentiment can come across as strange and awkward. The addition of a poem extolling the virtues of their coworker’s smile and self-promotion took this to an unsettling new level.

Not Meant for the Boss

You have to maintain a professional relationship with a few people at work. Telling your boss that you are in love with him or her every time you text is usually not included in this list.

Not Meant For The Boss

Not Meant For The Boss

Clearly, this person did not intend to profess their love for their boss in such a public way. That, on the other hand, was intended for someone entirely different. Because of their willingness to move on, we wonder if their boss gave them the day off after that.

A Straightforward Answer

Occasionally, you’d rather not hear from your boss and coworkers. It is likely that you would prefer to be left alone on your day off. In an attempt to entice them, their boss even offered them a financial reward for doing extra work.

A Straightforward Answer

A Straightforward Answer

But they didn’t succumb to the temptation, so they found another way to get their point across. The two of them appear to be friends, but this bizarre explanation for why they can’t change their ways is not something we’d expect from a friend.

At Least They’re Honest

We’ve all had to tell our bosses or coworkers something we didn’t want to say at some point in our professional lives. For example, you may be embarrassed to inform them that you have broken the toilet.

At Least They’re Honest

At Least They’re Honest

They were at first trying to cover their tracks. It didn’t take them long to decide to switch tactics. They went out of their way to tell the truth in a way that was probably more detailed than the person they were speaking to expected.

They’re Straightforward

There are a lot of jobs out there that require you to devote your entire life to them, and this is not unusual. As a result, it can be comforting when your employer considers your personal life.

They’re Straightforward

They’re Straightforward

They were thoughtful in this case, even if it was in an unusually blunt way. However, we think it’s a good qualifier to make sure your employee is in good health before asking them to work an extra day later on.

Double-Check the Coffee

It’s not unusual for someone in the office to go out for coffee with a few coworkers. It’s not unusual to ask someone to get them a cup of coffee.

Double Check The Coffee

Double Check The Coffee

On the other hand, we might become irritated by the communications from this coworker. Reminding them and making sure they’re on top of things may have gone a little overboard. We’re wondering why they didn’t just stop for a cup of coffee on the way.

Definitely the Wrong Person

Our experience has shown that texting the wrong person can be frustrating. This is especially true if you unintentionally express your displeasure with your boss. This person was just venting to his or her coworkers for a few minutes.

Definitely The Wrong Person

Definitely The Wrong Person

As a result, they ended up being a little too direct with their superior. As much as we admire their efforts, it is difficult to make the first message appear professional.

How Flattering?

A text conversation with a coworker and a text conversation with a significant other side-by-side at this point appears to be a bit overwhelming. It appears to be so simple to make a mistake!

How Flattering?

How Flattering?

Someone did exactly that when they sent a steamy message to a coworker. We’re not sure how we’d react if we saw this message, but our coworker seemed to take it in stride, even before learning that it wasn’t intended for them.

Maybe Think it Through

The best thing to do when texting a coworker or anyone else is to gauge the conversation before bringing up specific topics. That was not done by this individual. To this point, nothing in our brief exchange had indicated that my response was appropriate.

Maybe Think It Through

Maybe Think It Through

Saying sorry for missing coworkers’ messages isn’t the same as inviting them to propose making out. As a general rule, avoid making your coworkers uncomfortable by keeping your “knee jerk” reactions to yourself.

Turning Off the Phone

It is not unheard of for someone to have a phone that is exclusively used for work purposes. It has the potential to create significant separation between work and personal life.

Turning Off The Phone

Turning Off The Phone

This also allows you to — literally — turn off your computer at the end of the day. That is, unless you follow this boss’s sage advice. Why should this person have to work outside of the hours for which they are compensated?

This Could Make Things Weird

There is a slew of messages you could send your boss by accident that could make things awkward or strange. At the very least, this one ended up being wholesome.

This Could Make Things Weird

This Could Make Things Weird

The worst-case scenario is that you accidentally send your boss a picture of a cat with a cute message. Even so, it probably falls outside of the bounds of professional etiquette.

Couldn’t Save It

As we’ve seen time and time again, there are some messages that you don’t want your boss to see at all costs. One of these is admitting that you’re lying to someone.

Couldn’t Save It

Couldn’t Save It

If they’d checked the chat before sending this message, they could have gotten away with a fake sick day. In the end, it doesn’t look like they were able to save it as much as they had hoped.

Crossing a Line

When it comes to talking to coworkers, there are some things you should never say. These messages are extremely alarming, and the content is deplorably offensive.

Crossing A Line

Crossing A Line

It would have been bad enough if the first message in this series had been bad enough. It’s made worse by the fact that they kept asking. They tried to play it off when they didn’t get a response. Even if their phone had been stolen, we don’t think it’s reasonable to expect them to ignore such disturbing messages.

Laying in Wait

You don’t always make an awkward situation with your boss on purpose. You might find it a little too satisfying to give them a taste of their own medicine every now and then.

Laying In Wait

Laying In Wait

While it may appear that this boss would take such a remark in stride, it must have felt good to simply turn the conversation around. To be fair, they were asking for the same consideration from their employee that they themselves had refused to give.

Not What They Meant

Autocorrect is supposed to assist the person who is typing a message. It’s supposed to catch any spelling mistakes we make and correct them so that the final message is clear and accurate.

Not What They Meant

Not What They Meant

Unfortunately, things did not turn out as planned. People have fought autocorrect as much as it has helped them remember how to spell things over the years. The word autocorrect assumed they were trying to use in the phrase “sick day” wasn’t exactly something you’d want to send to an employee in this case.

Unreasonable Demands

It’s understandable that coworkers or a boss will need to contact you outside of the workplace every now and then. On the other hand, there are certain hours during which it is considered impolite to contact another person.

Unreasonable Demands

Unreasonable Demands

To ask someone to get out of bed in the middle of the night in order to complete a task for them is particularly distasteful. Furthermore, this boss is clearly disrespecting this employee’s personal time by making such an unreasonably high demand.

Wrong Face!

There are times when the awkward part of a text is simple enough to ignore. However, the good news is that this individual could have made much more serious mistakes in texting this person.

Wrong Face!

Wrong Face!

However, this person probably did not want to wink at their boss via text. Fortunately, it was a simple thing to save and a simple mistake for someone to understand. As a result, their manager simply laughed it off and moved on.

How Kind…

It doesn’t matter if you’re with your boss, coworkers, or anyone else; you should always show respect for their property and possessions. Finally, those are theirs to keep — not yours — at the conclusion of the day.

How Kind…

How Kind…

It would be upsetting to receive a message like this from a coworker. While it may be close, this isn’t the best way to hear about the chair in question before settling down for the rest of the afternoon. Unfortunately, we have a feeling that this message did not go over well with everyone.

What Did You Say?

In order to communicate effectively with your boss and coworkers, you must follow certain guidelines. In most cases, you can address them by their first name. Pet names, on the other hand, aren’t nearly as common.

What Did You Say?

What Did You Say?

It’s probably not a good idea to call your boss or coworkers “baby” in text messages. However, the outcome was positive, as both parties were able to laugh off the incident. You might, however, pause to consider how much this person seemed to enjoy their work.

Nice Flex

This person’s conversation with a coworker began with an image of a bank receipt showing the amount in their account, which may or may not be true. Even if it’s a strange choice for it, this is an obvious flex—despite the security concerns.

Nice Flex

Nice Flex

Their coworker didn’t waste any time in catching them out. It would have still been embarrassing, but we might have been able to believe he made a mistake if he didn’t use the opportunity to propose.

Say That One More Time

Make sure you’re clear and concise when you’re conducting professional business. Before sending a message, make sure you’ve read it through it once more. In the event that you aren’t fully awake, you might not want to text your boss.

Say That One More Time

Say That One More Time

Otherwise, you run the risk of sending your boss a message that is as bizarre and difficult to decipher as this one. Because of the strange language and long space, the recipient will be unable to decipher this message.

A Little Jealousy

In a way, this isn’t as bizarre as it is unexpected. The only drawback is that the thrill of the unexpected is quickly followed by the crushing disappointment that follows. It’s generally a good thing if you’re promised days off.

A Little Jealousy

A Little Jealousy

Taking a break is important for everyone. Even if this isn’t the person’s coworker, they were clearly attempting to contact them. Instead, the recipient was left feeling let down that they still had to go to work.

Don’t Answer the Boss

There are some questions you don’t want to hear from your boss, and this is one of them. It’s sometimes preferable to limit conversations with others to topics that are strictly related to work or professional matters.

Don’t Answer The Boss

Don’t Answer The Boss

As a result, there will be questions for which you are unprepared and unable to provide an answer. A boss asking what twerking is is one of those rare questions we don’t expect from them. The reason they chose an employee over anyone else is puzzling to say the least.

Who Are You Talking To?

In addition to the things we’ve already mentioned, there are some things you should never say to your boss. It’s unprofessional and, in the majority of cases, it makes people feel uncomfortable in the long run.

Who Are You Talking To?

Who Are You Talking To?

If you have two people with the same name in your phone, there is a chance that things could go awry. That’s all this person was trying to do was inquire about their wife’s plans for the evening. There was one problem, however: the Melissa they were referring to as “wife” was actually their boss.

Not an Unwelcome Mistake

There are times when a coworker sends you a strange text message, and it isn’t necessarily an uncomfortable experience. A wrong number may even result in the acquisition of a few valuable items.

Not An Unwelcome Mistake

Not An Unwelcome Mistake

Their boss most likely didn’t mean any harm when he or she accidentally sent this picture of a cat to them. We’d love to learn more about the cat, to be honest. Is that the cat of their boss? If this is the case, do they usually do this? One of the best outcomes of a text with the wrong number was a cute cat.

Timehop Fail

You already don’t want it to be a coworker who sends a text with the wrong number. A message like this is probably the last thing you want to happen.

Timehop Fail

Timehop Fail

You can tell that this person was putting on a romantic front, not a professional one. Even though it could have been worse, sending a shirtless photo to a coworker isn’t the best idea. It immediately throws the conversation for a loop.

More Questions Than Answers

No one enjoys being summoned to work on their day of rest. Consequently, if your boss requests your presence, you may want to hear a thorough explanation of the situation.

More Questions Than Answers

More Questions Than Answers

It’s fair to say that this situation warrants immediate attention. Their boss, on the other hand, could have spared them some of the details of their coworker’s medical emergency. When it comes to information sharing, less is more.

Autocorrect, Please Stop

In our experience, autocorrect is not always as helpful as we would like it to be. This has been proven on numerous occasions. It frequently has a negative impact on the situation.

Autocorrect, Please Stop

Autocorrect, Please Stop

The bad news is that this person’s boss doesn’t seem to be as understanding as we’ve seen some act so far, as evidenced by this message exchange. They were met with a demand to call them as soon as possible, a request that would have made anyone nervous.

Forging a Closer Bond

When it comes to coworkers, it’s never a bad idea to try to keep them on your good side. After all, you’ll be spending a significant amount of time working side by side with them.

Forging A Closer Bond

Forging A Closer Bond

In some cases, saying “I love you” to a coworker may be a little too much. The good news was that this coworker didn’t seem to mind. In fact, the two decided to use this misunderstanding to strengthen their relationship as well.

Too Much Honesty

It is possible to say things to a friend that you would not say to your boss when you are stressed out but that your friend would understand. Most people try to maintain a more formal tone in their interactions with their bosses than that.

Too Much Honesty

Too Much Honesty

It was meant to be more formal, but this person accidentally clicked the wrong chat to send this message in. As soon as they realized they had made a mistake, they rushed to try to minimize the harm done.

Do You Know What it Means?

Having to decline a persistent coworker or boss is the worst. Being unable to accept “no” as an answer makes it even more difficult. In fact, this exchange took place prior to this screenshot being taken.

Do You Know What It Means?

Do You Know What It Means?

Despite the fact that the person responding to the request is out of the office, they go so far as to offer an alternative. However, they simply could not accept their answer and leave them alone.

Checking In

It’s a thoughtful gesture to offer to pick up a coworker’s coffee while you’re out getting something for yourself. You’d like to think that someone would be kind enough to return the favor.

Checking In

Checking In

As far as we can tell this response isn’t reasonable, we’re not quite sure. To be fair, their coworker asked, so you’d assume they’d check their response as soon as they had the opportunity. Repetition of the same demands yields no results..

What an Awful Idea

There are some things that you should avoid doing at all costs. There are some things that you should probably avoid sending to your boss, and this is one of them.

What An Awful Idea

What An Awful Idea

So if you want to take an extra day off or arrive late to work, you’ll typically be required to provide your boss with a valid reason. A picture of yourself at a party and a preemptive warning that you might be late the next day aren’t the best ways to start an email.

It Keeps Getting Worse

This is the kind of thing that should never be texted to a coworker. The recipient clearly didn’t find this amusing or endearing, which makes it even worse. There is no better excuse than this one, as if things couldn’t get any worse.

It Keeps Getting Worse

It Keeps Getting Worse

If they’re being honest, one of the groomsmen at their wedding told a joke that was downright offensive. Regardless of whether or not it’s a lie, this person’s behavior is repulsive in and of itself.
