We can all understand if there are times when you just do not want to put in any effort. Life can get very busy for every single one of us! Sometimes, we are already exhausted by the time we leave work, so it becomes difficult to clean up around the house. However, there are people out there who have turned laziness into an art form in and of itself.

Lazy People Can Be Brilliant Geniuses And These Are The Photos To Prove It
Some people will turn their nose up at lazy people, but you might start to admire these people instead. Get ready to see photos of people who did not feel ashamed about their laziness whatsoever. Get ready to start laughing and even feel inspired. Trust us, these people are nothing short of brilliant.
Looking For His Chair
Wow, this is one lazy guy. He simply could not be bothered to unwrap the box that his chair came in. No, he decided to simply sit on the cardboard itself. You paid for it, dude, you might as well take it out.

Looking For His Chair
At any rate, we are happy that he has something to rest his derriere on. If it works for him, that should be good enough. Let us just leave him be.
A Lazy Walk
It was time for him to take the little one on a walk. Even though he loves his child a lot, it was too much for him to head out and actually go for a walk.

A Lazy Walk
In the end, he decided to make the situation that much easier with the use of a baby stroller. This guy had no energy to walk and push the stroller at the same time. Well, this is one way to conserve energy.
Peak Of Garbage
Are you beginning to worry about all the garbage you need to take out sooner than later? Well, this will surely make you feel better about everything. He had way too many plastic bottles and empty boxes.

Peak Of Garbage
Even though there is something artistic about the way he stacked everything together, the truth is that he just could not bring himself to put everything in the bin. This might just be the epitome of laziness.
How To Heat Up Food
The person who decided to do this did not want to go all the way to the kitchen to warm up the leftover food. He simply decided to repurpose the radiator. This way, he could conserve both energy and effort.

How To Heat Up Food
There are times when the laziest people happen to be the smartest people in the room as well. Why would you bother to get up when you can do this instead? Good point.
Going Out For A Walk
There a number of reasons to enter a relationship with someone else. It might be the best idea if you are looking for another person to share your secrets, dreams, and feelings.

Going Out For A Walk
We are sad to hear that these two did not always see eye to eye on things. The guy was lazy, but he still made it work. It is a good thing that the girl did not mind holding hands with someone on a hoverboard.
No Need For A Remote
We want you to look at the photo below. It is a photo of a guy sitting on the chair with a stick in his hand. Aside from that, you might have noticed that he simply decided to put the television on a chair.

No Need For A Remote
This guy could not be bothered to look for the remote control. However, there was no way he was going to rise and press the buttons to channel surf. He just grabbed a stick and poked at the buttons instead!
Like A True Vacationer
She had been relaxing in her bright bikini and chatting away with her pal from halfway around the world. When you want to let loose, it is too much to ask someone to hold the phone up to their ears.

Like A True Vacationer
She decided to lay it flat on her ear instead. It works! Clearly, this woman was in full-on holiday mode.
A Mini Escalator
We just do not get why they decided to install an escalator like the one below. Can you tell us why?

A Mini Escalator
It is hard for us to think of anyone who might not be able to cross those four steps beside it. How odd. Maybe someone should remind them that there is a time and place for everything.
A Lazy Crowd
There are two methods you can employ if you want to go up this railway platform. For the first option, you can use this normal staircase. On the other hand, you can also take the escalator instead.

A Lazy Crowd
This photo shows us that humans might just be a lazy species in general. This is the only explanation why the people have all lined up to use the escalator. Come on, guys, a little exercise is good for you.
Grocery Shopping On Wheels
When you do your grocery shopping, you will have to do a lot of walking. After all, various items are spread out across different aisles all over the store!

Grocery Shopping On Wheels
This guy was not eager to exert the effort the put one foot in front of the other. He pulled out a hoverboard instead! Well, we think it is a good thing that he is a good problem solver.
You Were So Close
This is an empty juice sipper and a wafer box right beside the dustbin. While there are acts of laziness that we can applaud, this is not one of them. How could they leave it beside when the bin is right there?

You Were So Close
The litterbug thought it was simply impossible to put in more effort and throw it in there. This is one example of laziness that no one should ever follow.
Emptying the Garbage Bin
This grey garbage bin was placed right near the wall for a good reason. As you can see, the owner kept putting off the chore of bringing out the trash. In the end, the papers have grown into this huge pile.

Emptying the Garbage Bin
Wow, how long do you think it took for his trash to get that high anyway? We just hope that he finally finds the motivation to take care of it soon.
Lazy And Hungry
The girl in this photo serves as a huge inspiration to all the lazy people in the world. She did not want to go down to get the pizza. After all, she was only going to head back up to continue her Netflix marathon.

Lazy And Hungry
She came up with a way to retrieve the pizza without having to go down and up the stairs! She used a thread to tie the pizza box so that she can pull it up. It’s pretty brilliant. However, would it kill her to do things traditionally?
Hands-free Phone Conversation
Here is another example of a person who decided to do something else even though he was on the phone. He might just be the strongest contender for the best employee of the month award.

Hands-free Phone Conversation
He did not want to hold up his hand and use it to keep the phone there while he talked. Instead, he decided to grab the wire and wrap it all over his face. Voila.
Use The Mailboxes
There are lots of shows and movies that show us how hardworking mailmen are. Who would have thought that there are some bad seeds in the bunch too?

Use The Mailboxes
They only had to slip the envelopes into the proper boxes, but this postman thought that was too much to ask for. We must say that we don’t know what was so hard about that.
Trolley Parking
We have to admit that we feel creeped out by this photo of red trolleys in the supermarket parking area. Did the apocalypse just happen here? It looks like the customers just got to lazy to bring their bags to the car using their hands.

Trolley Parking
They eventually decided to abandon them when they were done loading the bags into the trunks of their cars. It seems like they did not care enough to at least move it out of the way.
No Need To Open It
There is something about the photo that speaks to us on a different level altogether. He wanted to get a doorstop, so he went to the store to buy one. However, he did not bother to tear off the packaging!

No Need To Open It
This man might be the laziest person ever. He decided to use it on the door without so much as opening the package.
Who Needs A Bowl
He had been enjoying his bowl of cereal, if you can call it that. After all, he decided to eschew a bowl and use the polybag instead! Apparently, he did not like the idea of washing the dishes after this.

Who Needs A Bowl
To be fair, we are not that fond of washing the dishes either. However, we can at least say that we have never been lazy enough to eat right out of the polybag.
Puppy Dog Eyes
This adorable little dog wanted to lie down. He was ready to have a great time on this black chair. However, he soon realized that he forgot to bring his toy with him.

Puppy Dog Eyes
There was nothing on earth that would make him go down there to retrieve it. He’ll probably try to persuade you into picking it up by giving you those puppy dog eyes.
Can’t Be Bothered
Looks like someone decided to place the toilet paper roll right on top of the toilet paper holder instead.

Can’t Be Bothered
We do not know why they did this. Sure, it might be a bit easier, but it isn’t hard to do it right either.
Too Lazy To Put The Eggs There
The egg holder only had two eggs on it, so the owner could have put the five other eggs in there.

Too Lazy To Put The Eggs There
However, it would take too much effort to slip in each egg. This was what they chose to do instead.
A Spoonful of Laziness
The photo below shows yet another adult who was eating cereal in lieu of a proper meal. His child just finished eating his own bowl of cornflakes. The dad decided to use it again instead of getting a new one.

A Spoonful of Laziness
If you are disgusted by this, you have clearly never had kids of your own! This is just how it is for parents.
More Toilet Paper Rolls
Take a good look at this. Do you see the toilet paper roll somehow hanging on from the paper holder?

More Toilet Paper Rolls
This person just could not be bothered to dispose of the old roll. They squeezed in the new one beside it instead. Lazy is as lazy does.
Table Fan For The Fields
Whoever said that you should only use a table fan inside the house? This guy decided it was time to use it out in the open too. It worked great to water the fields!

Table Fan For The Fields
You just need a rubber pipe and a fan to do this. We did tell you that lazy people can be smart.
Trash Collection
Take a look at the polybags right beside this door. The bags were stacked so high in the corner that it nearly touched the ceiling. It’s actually quite impressive.

Trash Collection
As you can see, there are plenty of people in the world who cannot be bothered to bring out the trash.
Untouched Tree
For some people, it is basically tradition to set up and then decorate the Christmas tree for the holidays.

Untouched Tree
Not everyone has enough time to join in on the fun. Well, these people were certainly very practical.
Playing With Pets
She had been playing with this good boy from inside the house. The heat can get intense sometimes.

Playing With Pets
The owner wanted her dog to get some exercise, but she was not feeling up to it. She decided to do it indoors instead.
Another Lazy Cereal Lover
As you can see, eating cornflakes out of the polybag might just be the next big food trend.

Another Lazy Cereal Lover
The bowl was still in the sink, but he wanted to eat his cereals right at that moment. If you do not want to make any effort, this is the way to go.
Lazy Man’s Thermometer
You are looking at a mercury thermometer on the wall. The owner put it there with the use of a nail.

Lazy Man’s Thermometer
This is another case of a person who bought something but did not take it out of the packaging. We have no idea what people find difficult about pulling things out of the bag.
Refilling The Tank
This car was in line at the gasoline station. However, the owner did not feel like reversing the car to make sure it faces the right way.

Refilling The Tank
As far as the driver was concerned, this will have to do. They extended the pump as far as it could go!
A Mountain of TVs
It looks like there are people who cannot afford a TV rack. Instead, they prefer to use 3 old TVs instead.

A Mountain of TVs
This is not just a very lazy thing to do, but it is also dangerous. We can only hope they took it down soon.
More Toilet Paper
Toilet paper holders are not named that way for no reason, you know. Sometimes, it astounds us when people insist on doing things their way even when they are in the wrong.

More Toilet Paper
Don’t you think the world will be a better place if only people followed instructions? We sure do.
A Trolley And A Basket
Can you guess why this lady got a shopping basket only to put it inside the trolley?

A Trolley And A Basket
She only needed to get a couple of items from the store, but there was no way she was going to lift a basket! As you can see, some people are just hopeless.
Just Go Home
This guy was too tired to look for some place to hang out in. They just laid down on the floor instead. Sorry for the obstruction!

Just Go Home
Will you feel more sympathetic when we tell you that he is a college student? We have all been in that situation, right?
Snow-Covered Car
The car owner was just too lazy to take the car to the washer to give it a good and much-needed clean.

Snow-Covered Car
We bet he is having a tough time, but it might not be an issue to him. Some people have different standards for the term ‘acceptable’, after all.
Chicken Nuggets Tray
Chicken nuggets might just be the best things on the planet. However, we doubt your mom will like this.

Chicken Nuggets Tray
There are a lot of plates in the kitchen, so you should go grab one and use them for the nuggets.
Mashing Potatoes
Yep, this photo is the real deal. This person decided to make mashed potatoes with the use of a drill.

Mashing Potatoes
They also put scissors in there to make it even easier. We all like mashed potatoes, but he took it way too far.
A Lazy Worker
Well, it does not get that much lazier than keeping a bottle at the fuel trigger. Was it really inconvenient to hold it for a bit?

A Lazy Worker
This worker felt too lazy to hold the thing on his own for some time. This is the reason he tried to use a new technique to get it done.
Just Like Garfield
Will you look at this huge brown cat hanging out by the CD drawer? She looks so comfy over there.

Just Like Garfield
We do not want to disturb her, but it might be time for her to look for another sleeping spot.
Walking The Dog
The blonde lady in the photo knew the importance of walking the dog. However, this did not mean that she wanted to do this on her own.

Walking The Dog
You are silly for thinking she would do it by actually walking! A golf cart is her preferred mode of transportation, thank you very much.
Look Around For Your Package
The person who did this was simply not great at his job. He could not be bothered to wait for the owner, so he simply left the package by the front door. To be fair, he also used a doormat to cover it up.

Look Around For Your Package
Next time, we would appreciate it if he would ring the bell and personally hand it over to the recipient.
Long Straw For Lazy People
This guy works from home. While on the laptop, he manages to take a sip from the glass on the table.

Long Straw For Lazy People
He was not in the mood to reach out for it each time he felt like having a drink. This is the reason he came up with a long straw! Nice.
Easy Shaving
This person attached a wire-looping plier to a shaving razor in an attempt to improve the grip on it.

Easy Shaving
Lazy people are often clumsier as well. They are likelier to have a razor slip through their grasp. This might help with that, of course, but we don’t think this was necessary.
Cleaning Drilling Machine
This person attached the toilet cleaner to his drill in the effort to make home maintenance a breeze. Should we start doing this too?

Cleaning Drilling Machine
He was much too lazy to use his own hands when he cleans up. This cleaning tool looks pretty nifty, though.
Taking The Dogs Out
It seems like the trend of using golf cars to walk the dogs is getting bigger and bigger.

Taking The Dogs Out
These gentlemen had been holding onto their dogs as they kept the vehicle going at a slow and nice pace. Regardless of how you look at it, they are much too lazy.
Pizza Pile
We all love pizzas because they are convenient and delicious at the same time. However, there are people who get attached to the boxes after eating its contents.

Pizza Pile
Well, this is how we assume these dudes built up such an impressive collection of pizza boxes. What did they want them for?
No More Washing
Are you also of the opinion that washing the dishes is the worst chore out there? This guy soon learned a way to avoid doing something like that ever again.

No More Washing
He decided to use cellophane on top of his covered plates. He eats on top of it too. Problem solved.
Calling Australia
Do you have any idea what the dialing code for Sydney is? Oh, how about Perth? We don’t know the answers to those questions either. However, we do know that this is not how you call “Down Under”.

Calling Australia
The office worker came up with a great way to stay on the phone while he did something else. However, it seems like he has yet to notice that it is upside down. Can the person on the other end even hear him?
Cold Feet
It can feel daunting to start a new job because you will feel a lot of uncertainty there. Some might take this as a challenge to work even harder, but there are people who get cold feet and the “munchies”.

Cold Feet
We are not judging her whatsoever. What do we know, maybe she found the best way to cool down this summer? If it works, we have to say that we admire her. After all, she eats lunch and gets work done.
For Only A Quarter
Whoa, how lazy must one be to skip the process of opening the bag of Skittles before adding them to the vending machine? If you wanted to know, the answer to this question happens to be “this lazy”.

For Only A Quarter
If you got a whole bag for the same price as the other vending machines, however, it might just be your lucky day. That is the only time you will hear us showering the person in charge with praises!
Dogs Too
It seems like animals can also get lazy. Dogs also get inflicted by the curse of laziness. This little dog wanted to access his bowl of water and decided to go about it with only the minimum effort required.

Dogs Too
If he had a choice, the bowl would probably come with two legs. That way, he would no longer have to do this. At any rate, he made sure to work with what he had. Not bad, pup.
Happy Birthday
We all know that birthdays are, in general, a big deal. This is the one time of the year that we get to celebrate your birth! A lot of people like to show their loved ones the appreciation they deserve by getting them cake, balloons, and gifts.

Happy Birthday
This does not really apply to those of us who have not much free time on our hands. Take this guy, for example. He decided to give the birthday celebrant a cake… in its raw form. The candle is a nice touch.
Where’s His Coke?
If you are a gamer, you probably know that it be challenging to free up your hands when you are playing an online game. Even a moment of distraction can spell the end for you and your team!

Where’s His Coke?
This guy knows that. It is the very reason that he decided to do this instead. Now, he can just dip his head and use his tongue to pick up the popcorn from his hoodie if he feels like eating a snack.
Please Sit In Line
Our entire lives, we have been asked to stand in line. In reality, it can actually feel tiresome. While not everyone might agree with us on this point, we at least know that this woman at the Burger king agrees with us.

Please Sit In Line
When it gets too tiring to stand, you can sit down. She had no qualms about getting a chair and pulling it over to her spot in the line. If you do this, don’t forget to take it with you when the line moves forward.
Seems A Little More Difficult
There are some very smart people out in the world. However, there some very lazy people as well. There are times when they are actually the same person. We think that this guy certainly fits the bill.

Seems A Little More Difficult
It looks like a pretty good idea, doesn’t it? However, one can’t help but wonder how comfortable this is. On top of that, it looks like we should ask him where he plans to take it.
Don’t Sit So Close
We are sure your parents used to warn you about sitting too near the TV set. This kid came up with a pretty nifty solution to a terrible problem, but we hope that he takes care of his vision as well.

Don’t Sit So Close
What a great solution to one of the worst inconveniences in the world! We all know that it can be risky to hold our phone above our face. Let us just hope we can still hear the sounds from the video.
Great Place For An Alarm Clock Too
Here is yet another smartphone genius among us! The guy in the photo came up with a practical way to keep his phone at the eye level without having to tire out his arms. We have all been there, right?

Great Place For An Alarm Clock Too
We just hope that he has another tablet that he can use outside of the room. It seems like a lot of work if he has to keep setting this up every single day.
All That Work
“Sir, did you order the Coke and Frisbee?” We can tell that it took him quite some time to come with the right height for the reclining chair. The same goes for the other objects he stacked to put his drink on top.

All That Work
We are glad that he grabbed a straw. Otherwise, it would be challenging to reach the bottom of the glass from where he is. Lazy is the best way to describe this guy.
Maybe We Should Get Him A Bed First
Before we get into lecture mode and tell you all about good posture, we want to give the young man in the photo a piece of constructive criticism.

Maybe We Should Get Him A Bed First
It might be a good idea to pay for a bed first! We honestly do not know what the person in the photo was thinking when they paid for a TV before it. And now they want to endanger it this way? Yikes.
Can You Pull Me On The Swing?
As a kid, it was a drag to ask one of our parents to head outside with us and tirelessly push us on the swings. At the time, we had no idea why did not always like to do this.

Can You Pull Me On The Swing?
Now that we are older and busier, we understand why. This parent, however, came up with a “pull you on the swing” idea. He has a cord, a reclining chair, and some iced tea. It’s a win-win!
That One Flight Of Stairs
It feels like some people would rather die than go up or down the stairs. We are not saying that, although it does feel like that was what this guy had in mind.

That One Flight Of Stairs
He could have gone all the way down to pick up that shirt, but he was not having it. Instead, he just grabbed the vacuum cleaner and did this.
Daylight Saving Time
Twice every single year, people change the time on the phones to make way for daylight saving. It is not a big problem since our phones and computers automatically get updates.

Daylight Saving Time
However, you cannot say the same thing for the analog clocks in and around the house or office. No one wanted to fix the one in the lecture hall, so they simply decided to put up a note about it.
Who’s More Board?
Dad jokes are the worst, aren’t they? The security guard in the photo is a genius. Of course, some people might not appreciate the fact that he is sleeping on the job…

Who’s More Board?
We have no idea how convincing the poster is, but it sure looks pretty good in this photo. That unbreakable stare will scare off anyone with bad intentions!
We Wish You A Smelly Christmas
We all know just how busy Christmas time can get. People need to bake cookies, buy gifts, and install a tree. However, you might forget about the tree until it is too late.

We Wish You A Smelly Christmas
Don’t worry, you can always do this. “We wish you a smelly Christmas, we wish you a smelly Christmas and a happy New Year!”
Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.
There are times when we find ourselves in difficult situations. We do not always have the resources we need, so some improvisation skills can come in handy.

Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.
She had no time to get her toenails done in time for the interview. She knew that there were better things to do, so she decided to do this instead. Neat.
Lazy Or Genius?
Since we are talking about lazy people, let us take a second out of our day to talk about this guy. Instead of working hard, this person decided to work smart instead. Let the lawnmower work for you and not the other way around.

Lazy Or Genius?
We have two theories for this one. It might be a lazy dad or a brave teenager who wanted to get those chores over and done with in no time at all.
Raking It In
Most jobs do not pay very well, but these guys seem to be raking it in. The team of workers made a joint effort to literally clean the streets without pulling a single muscle in their body. We quite like this.

Raking It In
The only thing they need to do is to sit back and then relax as the rakes do their work for them. The great thing here is that they do not sacrifice the quality of their work at all.
How Lazy People Get Around
This photo is certainly full of Christmas vibes! It is not even winter yet, but there you have it. The guy had been resting on a chair above some wheels while the dogs ran as fast as they could.

How Lazy People Get Around
What he is doing is not all that different from carriages. This was the way people traveled in the past. He was one lazy but brilliant man, we’ll give him that.