26. Morris Was A Huge Fan Of The Andy Griffith Show.
Morris smiled about a certain segment of his fan base during an interview with the Television Foundation Academy in 2004. “Could I pause for a moment and return to The Andy Griffith Show?” “I’d like to thank The Andy Griffith Show fans,” he stated. “They give you the confidence to move forward, and they love you regardless of [your projects].” They’re present, which is good.” And committed followers never waiver in their support, even when the show makes obvious blunders.

26. Morris Was A Huge Fan Of The Andy Griffith Show.
27. The Andy Griffith Show’s Mayberry Mix-up
In the instance of Andy Griffith, the actual plot made no sense. After all, a mayor in North Carolina would never be in command of sheriffs. But that minor snag didn’t stop people from watching all 249 episodes of this undeniable phenomenon.

27. The Andy Griffith Show’s Mayberry Mix Up