Junkers JU-390
The Junkers JU 390 has a unique spot in the category of heavy military aircraft. This German-built plane just flew for two years for the Luftwaffe during the Second World War (1943-1945). The six engines of this aircraft made its design quite iconic, giving it a unique spot in military history. It was meant to be a patrol plane, a heavy transport aircraft and a long-range bomber for the Germans. For the time, it was revolutionary.

Junkers JU-390
Kalinin K-7
In the 1930s, the Soviet Union designed and tested the heavy experimental aircraft Kalinin K-7. It came with twin booms, plus it had large underwing pods which housed machine gun turrets and fixed landing gear. Originally, it was also supposed to have a passenger version with seats inside the wings. The Kalinin K-7 first flew in 1933, but by the seventh flight, the aircraft crashed because of structural failure after several months, which ended up killing one person on the ground and 14 people aboard.

Kalinin K-7