Antonov An-124
In the 1980s, the Antonov Design Bureau built this 226-foot aircraft, which has since been used in both commercial and military aviation. Over 50 of them were produced and used worldwide. A strategic airlift quad-jet, the Antonov An-124 used to be the heaviest cargo airplane for three decades. The Antonov AN-225 may have surpassed it, but it still remains as one of the world’s heaviest cargo aircrafts.

Antonov An-124
The HK 1 was more widely known as the “Spruce Goose” because it was practically made out of birch. It was originally intended to be used during World War II as a transatlantic transport aircraft, but the problem was that they didn’t finish it in time to put it into service. In the end, the U.S. military only flew it once, back in 1947, and there was only one prototype ever built. It’s on display in Oregon’s famed Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum.
