XB-70 Valkyrie
Made in North America, the XB-70 Valkyrie was a nuclear-armed bomber which the US Air Force Strategic Air Command intended to use. It was designed and constructed in the late ‘50s, and has the capability to be as fast as Mach 3 or faster, at a 70,000 feet altitude, covering distances that are thousands of miles. This aircraft was so advanced it nearly seemed to be indestructible and surpassed other bombers that were being built at the time. The XB-70 Valkyrie set the standard for aviation during that time and still does to this day.

XB-70 Valkyrie
Hughes XH-17
The Hughes XH-17 is also called the “Flying Crane” and first took to the skies back in 1952. Its 129-feet rotor is the largest ever that was used in a flight. It may look incredibly strange, but it was built at a time when there was great experimentation in aviation. Its record for using the largest motor has not been broken and its size allows it to fly with a weight of more than 50,000 pounds. There only one ever built was its prototype due to the aircraft’s size and shape.

Hughes XH-17