20+ Most Hilarious Sporting Moments Caught On Camera

Published on 05/24/2022

Rough Rugby Players

Typically, when most people think of pantsing or depantsing, they envision a school bully or a silly prank gone horribly wrong. This rugby player made the decision to take this old-school move from the schoolyard to the rugby field. As a result, what happened? A comical photo of a rugby player who is on the verge of ripping his shorts off. Despite the fact that we aren’t experts on the rules of rugby, we believe that tugging someone’s shorts down is inappropriate. Perhaps these players will consider wearing two pairs of shorts to future games in order to conserve energy.

Rough Rugby Players

Rough Rugby Players



Simone Biles may be the most decorated female gymnast in the history of the United States, but she’s also capable of capturing some less-than-flattering images of herself. A gymnastics move known as the twisting Yurchenko vault is depicted in this shot, which shows Biles twirling in the air. When the gymnast performs her gravity-defying maneuver, it appears as though she has been launched from a cannon. While the risky technique had the crowd and judges on the edge of their seats, it appears like Biles was just as terrified as everyone else.

