The Ball Goes in the Net, Not You
Participating in the Olympic Games is a dream come true for every athlete. While it can be exciting to compete in front of a large portion of the world, it can also be embarrassing when everyone is watching. When Karol Bielecki, a Polish Olympic handball player, accidently fell into the goalie’s net during the 2008 Beijing Olympics, he understood that having so many people watching him wasn’t a good thing. We’re sure he didn’t enjoy the fact that his mistake was exposed to the entire world.

The Ball Goes In The Net, Not You
Athletic Maneuvers
Tennis isn’t the first sport that comes to mind when people think of sportsmen performing amazing jumps and rolls and other stunts. However, there are occasions when you must throw your weight around in order to stay in the game. The problem is that you have to stick the landing, which obviously didn’t happen here. As you can probably guess, this is not the best technique to stick a roll and get back on your feet. This appears to be really harmful to your neck, even if it did get us to chuckle a little.

Athletic Maneuvers