The One Flop
Because athletes are always compared to other athletes, one of the reasons they might feel embarrassed so quickly is because they are continuously compared to other athletes And if those other athletes don’t make a mistake when you do, you’ll appear even more ridiculous. It’s only acceptable if everyone makes the same mistake! In this case, unfortunately for this track runner, being the only athlete to suffer such a humiliating defeat does not bode well for her reputation at the time. Furthermore, the fact that there is no way to recover and catch up for a win in such a situation is not beneficial.

The One Flop
Not so Synchronized
As we’ve previously stated, it’s no secret that the clumsiness of graceful athletes is more amusing than any other thing. Synchronized swimming is a natural fit for this category because it is, by its very nature, supposed to be extremely graceful. This artwork is more amusing than it is graceful, and that is saying something. Ever accidentally halted an animated movie or television show in the middle of a transition frame, resulting in a completely crazy screenshot that no one was ever supposed to see? Isn’t this a little bit like that, as well?

Not So Synchronized