Baby animals are undeniably the cutest animals, and their appeal is universal. All baby animals are curious and innocent, and their natural sweetness makes adults melt into a puddle of “Awww!” Here are 50 of the cutest offspring from various animal species!
Baby Hedgehog
Hedgehog babies are known as “hoglets” in the animal kingdom, and they are among the most squeal-worthy creatures. It must be the combination of their round bodies and protruding small hands and feet, combined with that sweet expression. Hedgehog quills do not shoot out of their bodies like porcupines’ do, and they are not dangerous, so cuddle to your heart’s content! When they’re in danger, they curl up into a ball to protect themselves and use their quills to fend off predators.

Baby Hedgehog
Baby Dolphin
Dolphins are enthralling animals. They also have adorable children. The dolphins’ hind extremities develop in the womb and then retract and disappear before birth, indicating that they evolved from four-legged land mammals. Dolphins, for example, have distinct characteristics among sea creatures, such as playing. They have been observed surfing and riding waves, creating bubble rings, spinning them out with their beaks, and biting them apart.

Baby Dolphin