Baby Squirrel
Except for Antarctica and Australia, squirrels are found on every continent. This is fantastic news because it increases our chances of seeing a live baby squirrel! When baby squirrels are weaned after seven to eight weeks, they leave the nest, but they usually do not travel far, landing less than two miles away from home. Squirrels also have a green thumb: gray squirrels frequently bury their acorns and forget where they put them, accidentally planting oak trees.

Baby Squirrel
Baby Pig
Take a look at this adorable little piglet’s smile. Pigs are not only adorable, but they also develop into brilliant creatures: baby pigs learn to run to their mothers’ voices, and by the age of two weeks, they recognize their own names. If that isn’t cute enough, mother pigs have been known to ‘sing’ to their young while nursing! We’d love for this happy piglet baby to sing a song for us.

Baby Pig