Hilarious Recreations Of Classic Baby Photos On Pinterest

Published on 01/17/2019

Every parent who signs up their baby for a photo shoot wants to capture the best moments of their little one, though many parents don’t realize that professional photographers usually spend a considerable amount of time attempting to frame the perfect shots and photos. If you like DIYing things in general and have decided you’ll be the one to take your little angel’s photos, then be prepared not to get the same results as a professional would produce, unless of course, you yourself are a pro. We have gathered a few nice visuals to give you an idea of the results you might have if you recreate some popular baby photos. Trust us – you’ll want to see these…

Being Wrapped Like This Wouldn’t Make Us Happy Either

Without a doubt, the perfect shot on the left took quite a long time to get, so don’t worry if you take forever to recreate it. What’s more, your baby’s temperament should be one of the things you consider when you think of wrapping your little angel in a blanket seeing as the line between a bundle of joy and the hulk is thin. However, at least the photo on the right will be pretty handy in the future, once this little one is all grown up and is going on dates, but right now, it is quite a funny fail.

Being Wrapped Like This Wouldn’t Make Us Happy Either

Being Wrapped Like This Wouldn’t Make Us Happy Either


Get Me Outta Here!

Posing babies is how professional photographers earn a living, so their understanding of what works well and what doesn’t is pretty good. The tiny tot on the left seems to have fallen asleep soon after they were placed inside the netting. However, the baby on the right doesn’t seem to have had the same experience. I believe that’s what desperation looks like, because otherwise how would you explain it?

Get Me Outta Here!

Get Me Outta Here!