Hilarious Recreations Of Classic Baby Photos On Pinterest

Published on 01/17/2019

If You Didn’t Get Dirty, You Wouldn’t Need A Bath

When it comes to baby photos, a few of the iconic ones include a little angel bundled up in a blanket or a tiny tot wrapped in a towel after having taken a bath. Even though it’s a pretty simple photo, perfecting it is apparently more difficult than what you would think. The two babies look very pretty and adorable, but baby number two might have been feeling a bit under the weather, which explains the puke dripping from her mouth. She probably had to have a second bath to get clean again, something she might not be looking forward to or be up for.

If You Didn’t Get Dirty, You Wouldn’t Need A Bath

If You Didn’t Get Dirty, You Wouldn’t Need A Bath


The Little Ballerina

For some reason, plenty of moms enjoy dressing up their little angels with ballet costumes. Moms probably have a “mommy sense” that pushes them to put some hair accessories and a tutu on their baby girls whenever they see the said items. Actually, we have to admit that we’ll take either of the pictures any day because we feel both are adorable in their own way. As much as we like calm and content babies, we are also really fond of babies with character, which we think the baby on the right has a lot of (as can be seen in the way she is looking straight at someone and sticking her tongue out).

The Little Ballerina

The Little Ballerina