These Pictures From Actual Cruise Ships Would Make You Think Twice Before Booking A Trip

Published on 06/04/2021

They Have Different Cliques

A cruise ship might feel a lot like high school. Not everyone hangs out in the same place, and each ship has its own set of cliques. Because cruise ships often include a varied array of workers from all over the world, these cliques frequently have to do with countries of origin. Cruise personnel refers to their cliques as “mafias,” and each is known for something distinctive. One former cruise ship employee told Mental Floss that the Filipino mafia on their ship was notorious for acquiring wine after hours (crew bars close around one or two). Of course, they’d charge a hefty premium for it.

They Have Different Cliques

They Have Different Cliques


Emergencies Can Be Disgusting

Everyone has heard the urban legend about a cruise ship serving poor shrimp and the entire ship contracting food poisoning to the point where it couldn’t contain all of the vomit. This is an extremely unusual occurrence, yet it can happen. After a fire in the engine room, a Carnival cruise liner lost power in 2013. Passengers were trapped long enough in the Gulf of Mexico for the sewage to back up. They formed a tent city away from toxic-smelling spots as raw sewage began to bubble up all over the boat, and the stench was so awful that people established a tent city.

Emergencies Can Be Disgusting

Emergencies Can Be Disgusting