These Pictures From Actual Cruise Ships Would Make You Think Twice Before Booking A Trip

Published on 06/04/2021

Seasickness – Expectations

If you’ve never been on a cruise or even a boat, you might not know what it’s like to get seasick. There’s always a chance you’ll get sick on a ferry, cruise ship, dinghy, or sailboat. When you buy a vacation online, it’s easy to imagine that sailing on a cruise ship is straightforward, but it’s not until you’re out on the open sea that you understand how difficult it can be.

Seasickness – Expectations

Seasickness – Expectations


Seasickness – Reality

Seasickness is a very unpleasant sensation. When you’re aboard a cruise ship, you’re stuck since there’s nowhere to go to escape the sway of the water. It could be as simple as needing to use the restroom. Many trips have been entirely spoiled because the majority of passengers become seasick when the water is choppy. It’s a disaster.

Seasickness – Reality

Seasickness – Reality