Shirley Douglas
Shirly Douglas was Keifer Sutherland’s mother. However, Shirley had died because of complications in pneumonia. The actress died on April 5, 2020. Shirley played a role in Lolita that was directed by Stanley Kubrick as Mrs. Starch. Shirley was also featured in “Dead Ringers” by David Cronenberg. Shirley also gained a Gemini Award because of her 1999 TV film called “Shadow Lake.”

Shirley Douglas
Bill Withers
Bill Withers was known in every generation. Even young ones also knew the song that Bill had made. The songs that were known by people were “Ain’t No Sunshine,” “Lean on Me and,” and “Use Me.” Bill was a singer and songwriter. However, the singer had died because of cardiovascular disease on March 20, 2020.

Bill Withers