Behind The Music: What You Did Not Know About The Life Of Global Superstar Celine Dion

Published on 08/14/2019

Suing For Millions For Spreading Lies

The 1990s was very stressful for Celine, having released a total of 13 albums and received bad news regarding Rene’s health. She realized she needed a break for her family and herself.

Suing Millions For Spreading Lies

Suing Millions For Spreading Lies

During her hiatus, the magazine National Enquirer ran a story about Celine giving birth to twins, so she sued the magazine for $20 million. The magazine apologized and donated the money to the American Cancer Society.


Doctor Dion

Celine Dion has received many awards including The National Order of Quebec, the highest honor the Canadian province can give. She also has stars in the Canadian and Hollywood Walks of Fame.

Doctor Dion

Doctor Dion

Aside from those, Laval University awarded her an honorary doctorate, which Celine dedicated to her husband Rene, calling it “a very great honor for a little girl from Charlemagne.”