She Has A Great Sense Of Humor
Like many popular artists, Celine Dion got impersonated by South Park, This Hour Has 22 Minutes, MADtv, Royal Canadian Air Farce, and Saturday Night Live. They mimicked her unique stage antics and strong accent. Luckily, she takes these things in stride and merely shrugs the comments off. In fact, she has even said that she is flattered that they bother to do it! When she was doing a show in New York, she even asked her SNL impersonator Ana Gasteyer to go on stage with her! Man, can Celine Dion get any cooler? We doubt it.

She Has A Great Sense Of Humor
Hurricane Katrina
Celine Dion has never been someone who dabbled in politics. In 2005, however, she guest starred on Larry King Live and talked about her thoughts on the Hurricane Katrina disaster. She was tearful as she tore down the inefficient response of the US government. She said, “There are people still there waiting to be rescued. To me that is not acceptable … How can it be so easy to send planes in another country to kill everybody in a second and destroy lives. We need to serve our country.”

Hurricane Katrina