Her Mom Had To Interfere
Therese had been the one to send Rene the demo with a note attached that read, “This is a 12-year-old with a fantastic voice. Please listen to her. We want her to be like Ginette Reno.” He did not respond right away, not until one of the Dion boys contacted him. He asked Rene to give the demo a chance. When the producer did, he did not hesitate to ask Celine to come in and audition.

Her Mom Had To Interfere
Her Audition Was Far From Normal
Rene was amazed by the talent of this young girl. When Celine dropped by to audition, he handed her a pretend mic and asked her this: “Here’s your microphone. Now sing as though you were in front of a sellout audience.” She blew him away with her performance, and the rest is history.

Her Audition Was Far From Normal