30+ Brilliant Cleaning Hacks For Your Home

Published on 02/17/2019

What could possibly be a better sight than a clean and fresh home? Sadly, it can be hard to keep it this way at all times when you have a busy schedule. When you work full-time, there is a good chance that your home is not always in tiptop condition. However, you can make it much easier when you use some brilliant cleaning hacks that will trim down the time you need to spend dusting, scrubbing, and wiping. Trust us when we say that these tips will change your home for the better!

Get Rid Of Debris And Crumbs From Your Electronics

Do you own a Shop-Vac? If so, get your money’s worth by using it to clean out all the dust and particles in the small spaces of your appliances and gadgets. You will need a plastic mustard or ketchup bottle for this task. You can buy the reusable variety for cheap at discount stores. How does it work? Well, you need to take the cap off, put it atop the hose of the Shop-Vac, and then vacuum the desired space accordingly. This one works like a charm!

Get Rid Of Debris And Crumbs From Your Electronics

Get Rid Of Debris And Crumbs From Your Electronics


Regular Household Products For A House That Smells Nice

You might not have any time to make your home spic and span, but perhaps you can some effort and make it smell nice and clean! The first thing you need to do is to put a dryer sheet on the back of your box fan. Make sure that it is on and running when you do this! The static cling will stick to the fan as the scent of the dryer sheets are taken outside the room through the airflow. Get a can of air freshener and attach it to the air vent for a similar effect. Another tip is to use a little essential oil on a cotton ball or wad of tissue and then vacuum it to release a pleasant scent!

Regular Household Products For A House That Smells Nice

Regular Household Products For A House That Smells Nice