30+ Brilliant Cleaning Hacks For Your Home

Published on 02/17/2019

Get Rid Of Dryer Lint By Using A Paper Towel Tube And The Vacuum

Unless you are into arts and craft, paper towel tubes often go straight to the trash. However, you might want to keep it since it will be useful when you need to suck out dryer lint and other residue! Dryer lint can start fires, so it is important to do this. Place the tube on top of the vacuum hose and secure it to suck the lint in there. Say hello to a better-performing dryer!

Get Rid Of Dryer Lint By Using A Paper Towel Tube And The Vacuum

Get Rid Of Dryer Lint By Using A Paper Towel Tube And The Vacuum


Lysol And All-Purpose Cleaner Are Great With A Toilet Brush Holder

Whenever you clean the toilet using your trusted cleaner, you probably use a toilet brush. Unfortunately, the poor thing can get funky when you use it to clean gross residue all the time. You can fix this by throwing some toilet cleaner into the brush holder. This way, the brush will get nice and clean whenever you put it in its rightful place.

Lysol And All Purpose Cleaner Are Great With A Toilet Brush Holder

Lysol And All Purpose Cleaner Are Great With A Toilet Brush Holder