30+ Brilliant Cleaning Hacks For Your Home

Published on 02/17/2019

Have Your Microwave Sparkling Clean Without Using Chemicals

Why would you bother scrubbing the microwave clean for an extended period of time when you can do this instead? Get a half cup of water and the same amount of vinegar and mix them together in a microwave-safe bowl. Toss in the microwave until it begins to steam – the steam will break down the caked-on food and stains. Simply wipe it clean afterward. If you don’t have any vinegar on hand, a lemon can do the trick as well. You just need to slice it in two, add it to a 1 ¼ cup of water and pop it in the microwave. If your microwave is especially smelly and dirty, you can also use a mixture of one cup baking soda and one cup water. Place it in the microwave for a couple of minutes and wipe it clean. This works because baking soda neutralizes odors!

Have Your Microwave Sparkling Clean Without Using Chemicals

Have Your Microwave Sparkling Clean Without Using Chemicals


Your Microfiber Cloth And Tongs Are Great For Cleaning Blinds

Blinds can be difficult to clean, specifically when you need to clean the dust that has accumulated between the blinds. You can slash the cleaning time when you use your kitchen tongs and a microfiber cloth. Just don’t forget to add some vinegar or cleaning solution to the cloth before you use a rubber band to secure it to the tongs. All you need to do now is to slide this contraption through the blinds and watch it catch all the dust and dirt! A clean sock will also do in a pinch if you don’t have a microfiber cloth.

Your Microfiber Cloth And Tongs Are Great For Cleaning Blinds

Your Microfiber Cloth And Tongs Are Great For Cleaning Blinds