Keaton’s Heartbreaking Message
In December 2017, there was a recording that went viral on social media. And it was from a young boy named Keaton Jones. In his post, he was tearfully telling the story of his personal experience of being bullied. A lot of comments and responses were received in the video. This even succeeded in stirring up a public debate about bullying. All these movements greatly influenced Bandeira to carry out her social experiment to address the issue regarding bullying.

Keaton’s Heartbreaking Message
Support For Keaton
There were certainly a lot of media personalities posting on Twitter showing support for Keaton Jones. The short clip went viral on many social media platforms to the extent that prominent celebrities decided to join in. Most of the heart-warming messages have come from media personalities. Chris Evans was probably best known as Captain America, and he went as far as to give Keaton and his family a huge display of his support. He encouraged the young kid to continue believing in himself and even invited him to the premiere of the new Avengers film. It wasn’t only Chris Evans, who expressed their support.

Support For Keaton