Most Famous LGBT Stars In Hollywood And Their Partners

Published on 09/23/2020

Beth Ditto & Kristin Ogata

American singer-songwriter, Beth Ditto is married to Kristin Ogata. The two had an unofficial wedding ceremony in Hawaii when same-sex marriage wasn’t yet legal. 17 months later when the it became legalized, the two lovebirds married in Oregon. We’re so happy for them!

Beth Ditto Kristin Ogata

Beth Ditto & Kristin Ogata


Bill T. Jones & Bjorn Amelan

American choreographer, Bill T. Jones thought he would never find love again after the death of his partner. Bjorn Amelan thought the same thing. They were in for an unexpected surprise when they met and hit it off right away. From tragedy to love again!

Bill T. Jones Bjorn Amelan

Bill T. Jones & Bjorn Amelan