Disney Animated Movies: 40+ Strangely Persuasive Fan Theories

Published on 01/31/2022

Gaston Killed Bambi’s Mom

It’s safe to say that a lot of these theories, like this one, are made up by fans. These are tales that could have taken place in the background of our favorite Disney films, but there isn’t much evidence for them in the actual film.

Gaston Killed Bambi's Mom

Gaston Killed Bambi’s Mom

Some people think Gaston from Beauty and the Beast came to America from France to kill Bambi’s mother because he was on his way to France to commit murder. The antlers are important to Gaston, so we’d be cautious about assuming Bambi’s mother had any.


In Up, Carl Is Dead

Up is an emotional film even without this dark fan theory. The film famously begins with a heartbreaking montage of main character Carl and his love, Ellie. Carl then sets out with his eager child Russel to keep a promise he made to his late wife.

In Up, Carl Is Dead

In Up, Carl Is Dead

According to this theory, Carl died at the beginning of the film and “Paradise Falls” is actually heaven. As a result, Charles Muntz becomes a fallen angel, and Russell becomes an angel trying to earn his wings (or badge).