Incredible Photographs Of Dogs and Their Owners Growing Old Together

Published on 07/03/2019

Best Of Friends

On the other hand, these two photos were snapped 14 years apart. You can see that the man and dog both look quite a lot different than they used to. However, we do not think anything has changed in the bright smile the guy is sporting! True enough, they both have more grey hairs now than they used to. However, we daresay that the most important thing here is that they are still together no matter what.

Best Of Friends

Best Of Friends


A Gigantic Dog

Do you think he knew what he was getting himself into when he first took home this adorable fluffy puppy? In only a year or two, the tiny baby that he adopted has grown into a giant! We bet it is going to be difficult, if at all possible, to lift his furry friend all on his own. As a matter of fact, the dog has gotten so big that it nearly covers its human when they are cuddling with each other. We don’t think it looks very comfortable, but his smile lets us know that he does not mind.

A Gigantic Dog

A Gigantic Dog