This Is How Our Ideal “Perfect” Body Changed Throughout The Century

Published on 01/06/2021


Lighter skin is used in Nigeria as a connection between income and jobs in higher classes. When many wish to be identified with a higher class, skin lightening ingredients are commonly sought out. However, the choice in terms of appearance is heavier and curvy women, owing to the idea of being slim, suggesting illness or ill health. However, in Nigeria, the goal is to be curvy, dense, and slightly larger as a symbol of good health.





Romanian women face heavy pressure to be skinny, making it a part of the community to smoke and eat. In comparison, in the sense that plastic surgery is very much practiced and very available, they are inspired by western ways. It is not unusual for women to see an instructor in heels, no matter their occupation, to dress up. There is, though, a thin border between being revealing and conservative-women are condemned for exposing so much. Broad hair, preserved nails, and a well-built style of a body on the bust and trim.

