These Golden Age Celebs That Are Still Alive Today Are Considered Hollywood Legacies

Published on 12/16/2020

Had you ever thought of your top favorite celebs? Like the person who was your favorite television star or the person who sang your favorite song? Some of these actors continued their careers until it could not be handled by their bodies, while others retired because they accomplished their ideal life. It didn’t mean that if they were out of the public eye, they were gone. The missing stars that were lost in the spotlight but were still breathing were tackled by this list. Since these stars were still alive, there was no need for a lawyer or succession lawyer yet.

Olivia de Havilland – Age 103

Olivia de Havilland was the daughter of Lillian Fontaine, a British actress. She got great acting skills from her mother, which she inherited. In The Adventures of Robin, Gone with the Wind, and To Each of His Own, she was the star. Her first appearance was in the ’30s and she was an actress who received an Academy Award. Due to how she was depicted in the series, she filed a complaint against the FX Networks, but the resolution of the case was considered needless and resulted in a veto.

Olivia de Havilland – Age 103


Victoria Principal – Age 69

If you’re a Dallas soap opera fan, then you would probably have seen Victoria Principal in the play as Pamela Barnes Ewing. In 1987, she abandoned her act. She began her own business after leaving the play. The name of her company was Victoria Principal Manufacturing, where skincare items were sold. Victoria was an author as well. She wrote a book that discussed the topics of appearance, wellness, fitness, skincare, and well-being. In the Dallas Reunion TV special, her last appearance was in 2004.

Victoria Principal – Age 69