These Golden Age Celebs That Are Still Alive Today Are Considered Hollywood Legacies

Published on 12/16/2020

Jacqueline White – Age 96

Jacqueline White was still alive and well at the age of 95. She was another celebrity who we thought had long ago vanished. Her career was short, and in the year 1950, she decided to retire. She agreed to marry Bruce Anderson and retire. In Narrow Margin, she performed a role even though she had retired. She gave birth to her first child in LA, where Stanly Rubin offered her a job. She became involved after many years. Even in 2005, at some events, she was usually seen.

Jacqueline White – Age 96


Chuck Yeager – Age 96

Chuck Yaeger entered the army and became a pilot. He was a star who hit great heights, literally. He tested the new aircraft model in which he was the first person to crack the sound barrier. Because of his service in the air force, he was awarded multiple awards and got a total sum of $1.5 million that could make his life more comfortable, but because his younger wife was misusing him, he was worried about his children’s affair. Because of this dilemma, he should call an inheritance attorney.

Chuck Yeager – Age 96