Sophie Dahl – Roald Dahl’s Granddaughter
Roald Dahl is one of the best story tellers in the world, with may of his books translated to tens of languages. Sophie Dahl is his daughter, and you might be surprised that she is a size ten, six foot tall model! Her size is larger than the average model in the industry, who are significantly thinner than Sophie. Life as a model has its challenges, though. Often, Sophie is unable to fit into the clothes designed for models on the runway because they are usually five times smaller than Sophie’s side. Fun fact: In Roald Dahl’s story BFG, the character named Sophie was inspired by his granddaughter.
Alyson Le Borges – Alain Delon’s Granddaughter
Alyson Le Borges is one of those women whose career was made for her by her good looks. She is a prominent actor and model, and starred in the French film, Blue Island. Alain Delonn was Alyson’ grandfather, and was often called a ‘pretty boy.’ We can only surmise that Alyson got her good looks from her grandfather. Delon was also a french actor, and we hope that Alyson will have the same career successes as her grandfather!