Drew Barrymore – John Barrymore’s Granddaughter
Actress Drew Barrymore seemed to be an acting sensation from the very first day she was born. Of course, this would not have been possible had she not been a direct heir to the Barrymore acting dynasty. Sadly, she is the last surviving member, but she bears a strong resemblance to her grandfather John, who stared in some of the most popular films of the ’20s and ’30s. The family dynasty, while rich in its acting history, has a few well-known substance abuse problems. That grandfather she resembles along with her dad, John,, died from complications due to alcoholism. Drew seemed to nip this issue in the bud early, choosing to complete a rehabilitation problem for alcohol abuse and drug use at only 14 years old.

Anjelica Huston – Walter Huston’s Granddaughter
Anjelica Huston is well-known for her lead role in the film, The Grifters and for her important work playing a key member of the set on The Addams Family. Her father is director John Huston and her grandfather is Walter Huston. Walter won many Academy Awards for his films, and originally migrated to the United States from Canada. Those high cheek bones on Anjelica? Those seem to be inherited from her grandfather Walter. Unfortunately, Walter passed away in the 1950s from an aneurysm, only a few days before his 67th birthday.