These Are The 43 Greatest Guitar Players In All Of Music History

Published on 06/05/2019

Johnny Ramone

John William Cummings, better known as Johnny Ramone, was born on October 8, 1948 in Queens, New York. He has probably fewer solos than the other people you will find on the list, although he deserves the title of a pioneer nevertheless. Popular for the way he rocked out on his Mosrite guitar, Henry Rollins had this to say about him: “Johnny was the first guitar player I ever saw play like he was really mad. And I was like, ‘Damn. That’s cool.’” That is because he was among the first to play heavy and powerful stuff up-tempo on tracks such as “Rockaway Beach”, “Judy is a Punk”, and “Blitzkrieg Bop”.

Johnny Ramone

Johnny Ramone


Jerry Garcia

Jerome John Garcia is better known as “Jerry” to Deadheads. Born on August 1, 1942 in San Francisco, he is the sum of mixing different sounds together. When he plays, you will hear traces of bluegrass, jazz, rock, and Spanish guitar! As the Grateful Dead figurehead leader, Jerry Garcia played a huge role in the San Francisco cultural scene of the early ‘60s and remained prominent until he passed away in 1995. Some of the songs he played his heart out to were “Summer of Love”, “Sugaree”, “Casey Jones” and “Dark Star”. The star was also at Woodstock in 1969, but he nearly got electrocuted thanks to the rain!

Jerry Garcia

Jerry Garcia