Did You Know That These Common Household Items Are Meant To Be Used This Way?

Published on 08/01/2019

Rearview Mirror Tab

We hope that you regularly look in the rearview mirror when you drive. However, you might not have noticed the tab at the mirror’s bottom. Even if you did, perhaps you did not know what it was for. Apparently, it lets you change the mirror position to avoid getting blinded by headlights from behind. It deflects the light without preventing you from seeing what is happening behind your car!

Rearview Mirror Tab

Rearview Mirror Tab


Coin Ridges

We do not know if you ever noticed this, but both dimes and quarters come with rough edges that are not found in nickels and pennies. Feel free to check your coins if you do not believe us right away. Anyway, this is a remnant of the time when coins used to get stamped in different weights that reflect the value of the coin in question. They wanted to stop people from shaving the coin edges and then melting them to make new coins, which is why they put ridges using precious metals.

Coin Ridges

Coin Ridges