Did You Know That These Common Household Items Are Meant To Be Used This Way?

Published on 08/01/2019

Holes In Your Converse

Ever wondered why you have those holes in the side of your Converse? Well, they have a few functions. First of all, you can use them to help your feet breathe, as they could get hot being in those shoes all day! Another fun use for them is adding some funky designs to the way you tie up your laces.


Holes In Your Converse


Screwdrivers, But Also Wrenches

Here’s what you have to do: slide the end of your wrench over the top of your screwdriver. That’s why your screwdriver is shaped how it is! This trick comes in handy when you’re dealing with difficult angles to grasp onto.

A Screwdriver, But Also A Wrench

Screwdrivers, But Also Wrenches