Extra Sneaker Holes
We are sure you have already noticed the extra holes at the top of shoes. It is not a design error, mind you. When you are shoes that are a little too big for you, it is not unusual to get blisters. Moreover, they make for a pretty uncomfortable fit. You can address the problem by sliding the shoelaces in the opposite extra hole. This will allow you to create a loop, which makes for an even tighter lock. If you want to sound like an expert, you should know that this is called the “heel lock” or the “lace lock”.

Extra Sneaker Holes
Measuring Tape Metal
We bet your parent or guardian once asked you to hold the end of the measuring tape! Perhaps you noticed the tiny piece of metal there. There a couple of reasons why it is located there. First, the little slot can be wrapped around a nail to hold the tape in place if you are working on your own. The edge also happens to be serrated, which comes in handy when you need to mark the surface.

Measuring Tape Metal