Color Code Your Keys
Almost everyone has more than just one key on their key ring, and having more than one key that may look alike can be quite confusing. There’s nothing worse than standing outside of your door in the middle of a rain or snow storm trying to fit each key into the lock. Luckily, we have found a hack for you. Dipping the top of each key in a different color of nail polish will make your life so much easier!

Color Code Your Keys
Tennis Balls Can Protect Your Floors
We’re all familiar with that horrible goosebump-inducing sound of your chair sliding and scraping against the floor in your home. A cheap and easy do-it-yourself solution that you may have seen before is to cut a slit in tennis balls large enough to fit around the feet of your chairs and stick them on. This won’t only keep your floors clean and scratch-free, but will give some peace and quiet to your ears.

Tennis Balls Can Protect Your Floors