Did You Know That These Common Household Items Are Meant To Be Used This Way?

Published on 08/01/2019


Why waste money on a professional painter when you could do the job by yourself? Painting on your own instead of hiring a professional will not only save you money but is also a fun art project too! The problem is that sometimes non-professional painters tend to use too much paint instead of knowing how to clear the brush of excess amounts before painting the wall. We’ve discovered a cool trick: wrap a big rubber band around the can of paint wipe the side of the brush against it in order to know that you are only taking as much paint as you really need.





This is a huge life-saver for anyone who wears bracelets or necklaces and always gets flustered when they get tangled up with each other, or even with themselves! If you’re traveling and need a few pieces of dangled jewelry in your bag, try storing each bracelet or necklace in a straw. That’s right, put the necklace on the straw just like you’d put it on your neck. This will keep everything organized and untangled.




