Black Grating In The Microwave
We doubt you have ever inspected your microwave way too close. However, it is easy enough to notice the black grating on the door of the microwave. It is called the Faraday shield, and it prevents electromagnetic fields from escaping the microwave and warming people. You would be in danger without it AND your food would not get cooked. Which one is worse? Anyway, the more you know!

Black Grating In The Microwave
Dimples On Golf Balls
Golf balls aren’t really round… If you look at them all up close and personal, you will notice all the dimples on the surface. Apparently, golfers noticed that balls that have nicks and bumps tend to travel a longer distance. The imperfections create turbulence, which reduces drag. This is the reason they began to make golf balls with dimples to create more lift. If you are playing putt-putt, it won’t help much.

Dimples On Golf Balls