Cops Were Called After Finding Out Why The Horse Kept Hugging This Woman

Published on 10/14/2022

Horse owners will all agree that their animals are more perceptive than people are. Their sixth sense enables them to recognize energies and emotions that our five senses are unable to perceive. When Jolene Jonas, an Englishwoman, learned she was pregnant, she went through this. Although she and her fiance were extremely joyful, they were unable to express the same for their horse. Their horse started acting quite oddly. To be safe, they made the decision to visit a doctor. However, the doctor called the police right away as he saw the ultrasound.

Cops Were Called After Finding Out Why The Horse Kept Hugging This Woman

Cops Were Called After Finding Out Why The Horse Kept Hugging This Woman


Pregnant At Last

When Jolene and Ricky first learned that Jolene was expecting, they were in awe of their good fortune. They had been trying to get pregnant for a few months, so when the good news finally arrived, they were overjoyed. However, not everyone shared Ricky and Jolene’s enthusiasm. Keola, their horse, had different ideas.

Pregnant At Last

Pregnant At Last