Slideshow Button JAG Stars
We bet you are wondering how the cast members of the beloved TV show JAG are doing these days! Well, get in line because we are all dying to know how our favorite stars are doing nowadays. You’re lucky because we are here to check up on them!
The show definitely experienced plenty of success during its decade-long run. Donald Bellisario is the man we should thank for the creation of such an interesting show. It first came on the air in 1995 and the last season was aired in 2005. JAG is shorthand for Judge Advocate General. We all loved watching David James Elliott and Catherine Bell play Harm and Mac respectively. Aside from watching them take on a variety of cases, we all enjoyed the way their characters and the romance developed!
Many fans, you included, probably miss the show and the stars. It’s been a long time since we watched the finale and yet we can’t help but look back fondly on those days. Dedicated fans are still keeping their fingers crossed for new content, though we don’t know how feasible that is. What we can offer you, however, is the chance to see what has been keeping our favorite stars busy ever since the show’s cancellation! Read on to learn what they have been up to after the show wrapped up.
David James Elliot
To kick off the slideshow, there is no better place to start than Harm! Actor David James Elliott took on the lead character in The Man Who Lost Himself, where he appeared opposite Nanci Chambers, his wife, and JAG co-actor. He has since worked on The Guard and Close to Home. He has also guest starred in shows like CSI and Trumbo.

David James Elliott