Real Jealousy Caught On Camera – You Can’t Fake These

Published on 01/03/2019

We All Have Choices

We’re all given 24 hours in a day, what we do with that time is mostly up to us. Whether we spend the majority of the day in front of the television, scrolling through Facebook, or working out is completely up to us. This girl is doing a great job by travelling on her bicycle, but she does seem to be quite envious of the girl running in front of her.

We All Have Choices

We All Have Choices


New Toys

You know what they say about new toys and old dogs, don’t you? Nothing, actually. But we do know that a little girl with a brand new kitten is more than enough to cause short-term memory loss. That poor fella, just look at the intimidation and neglect in his eyes. We just hope his jealousy didn’t turn him into a hungry green-eyed monster.

New Toys

New Toys