Samira Wiley And Lauren Morelli
This match on the series Orange is the New Black is just perfect. Samira Wiley plays Poussey Washington, whereas Lauren Morelli is a writer on the show. In October 2016, they got engaged. A few months later, in March 2017, the two got hitched!

Samira Wiley And Lauren Morelli
George Takei And Brad Altman
80-year-old George Takei will forever be known as Hikaru Sulu on Star Trek, but aside from that, his followers on social media total over 10 million – you’ll need to follow Takei to know why, but we suggest you prepare your abs because you won’t be able to stop yourself from laughing for a long time. We don’t think we need to tell you that Takei is a massive LGBT advocate, right? Only in the year 2005 did Takei make the announcement that he had been in a relationship with Brad Altman, the writer, for 18 years. They got hitched in 2008.

George Takei And Brad Altman