Most Famous LGBT Stars In Hollywood And Their Partners

Published on 03/26/2019

Tom Ford And Richard Buckley

Whoa, Tom Ford’s relationship with Richard Buckley has to be recognized if only for the fact that they have been together since 1986. That’s more than three decades, for those who are counting. The two only officially got married in 2014.

Tom Ford Richard Buckley

Tom Ford And Richard Buckley


Wanda Sykes And Alex Sykes

Since Wanda Sykes needs no introduction, we will jump right into the love story. Wanda announced that she was gay in November 2008 and just one month later, she exchanged vows with Alex, whom Wanda met a couple of years prior. One year after they got married, Wanda and Alex welcomed their fraternal twins, Lucas and Olivia.

Wanda Sykes Alex Sykes

Wanda Sykes And Alex Sykes