Don’t Weigh Down Your Key
This one is more of a cautionary note than a hack. Having too many keys or cute keychains can cause the ignition switch to be damaged. That is, your car will not start as quickly as it should over time. Experts recommend that you keep no more than three keys or keychains in your bunch. However, if you notice a tightness or your key locking while in the ignition, you should take it to the dealer as soon as possible. Otherwise, it will end up costing you a lot of money before you know it.
Avoid Car Sickness
This next tip is fantastic! Simply keep some fresh bay leaves in your car to help prevent car sickness. Bay leaf is an excellent way to avoid car sickness, especially on long trips. All you have to do is place the leaf under your tongue to feel better almost immediately. This works for both children and adults. It can also save you from having to pull over or go to the pharmacy, and best of all, it is entirely natural.