Richey Edwards
Manic Street Preachers would not be the same without Richey Edwards, who served as the lyricist, guitarist, and musician of the punk bad. He shocked everyone with his stunts. For example, he was once asked about the authenticity of his persona. To prove that it was not just a front, he carved “4 REAL” on his arm with a razor blade. In 1995, he disappeared all of a sudden. It was assumed to be just another publicity stunt for the longest time. When he did not return, everyone assumed that he had died. His family said that taking his own life was “never an option for him.” Others do not agree with that assessment. After all, they found his abandoned car not far from a bridge famous for suicides.

Richey Edwards
Harold Holt
In the Land Down Under, the 17th Australian prime minister disappeared in December 1967. He went for a swim on a deserted beach one day. People said that the surf had been very rough on that day, so there is a good chance that he drowned. No one has ever found his body. It sounds like the natural conclusion to the mystery, but the public had different theories to explain it. There was a theory saying that the CIA killed him for wanting to pull out of Vietnam. Another one said that he was a spy for China who pretended to die so that he could return there. The most ironic thing is that there is a swimming center named after him.

Harold Holt