These Unbelievable Tips From Parents Will Make Your Life Easier

Published on 01/20/2019

Toothbrush Labels

It’s a known fact that toothbrushes need to be thrown out every three months. Well, this mom from Cambridge, Ontario, gave her 6-year-old daughter a gift box with six Dory-themed toothbrushes, thinking she was set for the year. However, her daughter kept throwing them out too early, and a few months later was left with nothing. To solve this, the mom now labels the toothbrushes with expiration dates. She used symbols to mark the months, and it worked flawlessly!

Toothbrush Labels

Toothbrush Labels


Earn TV Time

Teaching kids responsibility at a young age is definitely a positive thing! One method that can help parents teach their kids to do their chores is this clever little hack. Encourage the kids to earn their TV by creating a “currency”. Each chore completed will earn them a certain amount of time they can watch TV.

Earn TV Time

Earn TV Time