Have A Look At How These NCIS Leading Ladies Are Doing Today

Published on 02/15/2021

Bar Paly as Anna Kolcheck

Meet Bar Paly, the USSR-born Israeli-American model, and actress. She got her start in Hollywood back in 2003 in the film Zehirut Matzlema. She has appeared in a number of film and television shows, such as CSI: NY, Pain & Gain, How I Met Your Mother and DC’s Legends of Tomorrow. Paly has a recurring role on NCIS: Los Angeles.

Bar Paly As Anna Kolcheck

Bar Paly As Anna Kolcheck


Elizabeth Bogush as Joelle Taylor

40-year-old actress Elizabeth Bogush has appeared on many television shows. Including Scrubs, Beverly Hills, 90210, Everybody Loves Raymond, How I Met Your Mother and The Big Bang Theory. Plus, she does the commercials for the text messaging service KGB. She had a recurring role on NCIS: Los Angeles as Joelle Taylor.

Elizabeth Bogush As Joelle Taylor

Elizabeth Bogush As Joelle Taylor