20+ Heartwarming Moments Of People And Their Dogs Meeting For The First Time

Published on 03/25/2019

During adoption, dogs are often scared and unsure. It is, after all, a process where they are removed from the environment that they are used to and are placed in a new place with a lot of unfamiliar smells and faces. However, there are times when dogs are very happy to meet their new owners and it can be a very touching moment. Good thing these meetings are often captured on camera, recording these first, amazingly sweet moments between a dog and a caring human being.

20 Heartwarming Moments Of People And Their Dogs Meeting For The First Time

20+ Heartwarming Moments Of People And Their Dogs Meeting For The First Time


First Bite!

Excitement can sometimes bring out the animal in you. Well, in this case, the dog in this cute little pup. It is quite obvious how excited he is to meet his new owner that he just had to bite his human’s nose! It’s definitely the literal version of “got your nose,” don’t you think?

First Bite

First Bite!