Diana Rigg
Acting is the only career Dame Diana Rigg (July 20, 1938-September 10, 2020) ever wanted, but did you know that she wasn’t confident of her acting skills? “Never. God, no. You see, I came from a Yorkshire family, and compliments were never given. Their way of loving you was telling you what was wrong with you.” She told the Sunday Morning correspondent in 2018.

Diana Rigg
Shere Hite
Shere Hite (November 2, 1942-September 9, 2020) revised several previously held views and taboos regarding marriage, sex, and female empowerment in her 1976 book “The Hite Report: A National Study of Female Sexuality.” A former model and doctoral student at Columbia University who grew up in a conservative Midwestern family, Hite deigned to study female orgasm (not a subject of much research) and used anecdotes that she gathered into a genuine testimonial to female sexuality from surveys of 3,500 women regarding their sex lives. Her discovery that women were not necessarily sexually fulfilled by men alone, which demanded more than intercourse, increased her feminist standing.

Shere Hite